
[edit]I would have voted for DELETION for the "Javier Solana as Antichrist" article. The article was not a "pandering to fundamentalists" as claimed by some on the now closed for editing "vote for deletion page." It was AN ARTICLE BY xxxxxx AND HIS FRIENDS in an attempt to sanctify their beliefs in Javier Solana as some type of world savior! While I admit to saying Javier Solana could be a potential EDUCATED GUESS for an antichrist type, I have not named him -- only xxxxxx and xxxxxx thought the relevant and accurate facts about him were such that any Christian reading prophecy might suspect him. Rather than pandering -- the article was more accurately MARGINALIZING -- a shameful tactic -- one that preceded the holocaust of the Jews in World War II and is now being used again against the enemies of gnosticism.
[edit]I continue to be amazed at xxxxxx's antics and how he, with the assistance of "One Salient Oversight" have managed to manipulate information and even create disinformation. The richest current example is how xxxxxx is trying to erase Javier Solana's parentage which evidently now is embarrassing to him given Nieves Mathew's public profession of faith in Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) as her teacher. She was the daughter of Salvador de Madariaga, Solana's grandfather by all accounts when he first ascended to his NATO Secretary-generalship in 1995. Suddenly xxxxxx has created er something called "the Obdulia de Madariaga." He cites another Solana covering/pandering source for this, CIDOB. I checked the CIDOB article which xxxxxx claimed as authority and saw instantly that it was the same article that xxxxxx put up on Wikipedia about a year ago. When I corrected it, correctly noting that the Spanish articles had used the word "nieto" to describe his relationship to Salvador de Madariaga, rather than "sobrino," the word for nephew, xxxxxx meekly left it alone for a long time, until he managed to get his historical revisionism incorporated by CIDOB.
Maybe they now have some explanation on why Salvador de Madariaga would have doted on a mere grand nephew rather than his closer flesh and blood two sons of his daughter Nieves de Madariaga Mathews?
We must have hit sensitive nails on the head with this -- I am not even dignifying it right now with editing, but you can read all about it at my blogspot,
[edit]April 11, 2005: Most curiously I tried to begin a column and found myself 'logged out' without having 'logged out' after visiting another Wikipedia page to obtain a link. The user pages of my two main tormentors on Wikipedia, "xxxxxx" and "xxxxxx" are externally found as follows found as follows: These two, particularly xxxxxx (well named, isn't he?) have mercilessly worked to vandalize and delete my work even on other boards such as Wiki Global Alert. Then they added links to those going beyond my work to create a cartoon caricature effect of my work. Anytime I tried to defend myself on the board, xxxxxxx and his numerous allies (dare I call them 'sockpuppets'?) came back whining about 'personal attacks' and erased my work while posting the curiously defective worded xxxxxx versions. I say curious because his true writing name has fully written articles with rich detail and properly spelled paragraphs and worded sentences, unlike his claimed 'machete blow to the head' handicap excuse here. [[1]] As a scholar on Solana, at this point, I may be without peer. I have read virtually everything written by him and much of it about him. I have read speeches by his brother, Luis Solana; his mother Nieves Matthews' book on the life and career of Sir Francis Bacon, several books by his grandfather, Salvador de Madariaga de Rojo, and a book by his Aunt Isabel de Madariaga on the life of Catherine the Great. I have followed his activities on nearly a daily basis via the internet since November 22, 1995, the night of an insomniac attack when I happened to discover his beginning Barcelona Process and a little more than a week later, the beginning of his NATO tenure.
Although xxxxxx, xxxxxx and the rest of their comrades have attempted to rewrite or obfuscate history, the following facts remain:
1. Solana's initial power base was the 15 nation European Union AND the TEN NATION WESTERN EUROPEAN UNION. xxxxx claimed on one of his pages that he deleted the ten nation reference because it was "an evidence" that Christians could take as "the ten horns" of Daniel and Revelation;
2. Solana did conclude and sign a treaty with Israel on November 20, 1995, two days before I made his internet acquaintance.
3. Two days after the treaty was signed, the Red Sea resort area of Israel (Eilat) and surrounding Egyptian country was struck by a massive earthquake -- one like much of the material I have placed on Wikipedia, was evidently the recipient of historical revisionism. Within a week, the 7.2 mw quake was downgraded to one only 6.2 in strength. [[2]][[3]] Also omitted from the time line on the latter account was the Treaty signing of November 20, 1995.
I have placed these comments here for the benefit of those who believe Wikipedia to be a credible resource. I have noticed these things happening:
1. xxxxxxx's personal attacks on me continue to stand. 2. My defenses are usually struck as 'personal attacks' on xxxxxxx' 3. xxxxxx has been allowed to erase my work both on the Solana page and user comments with impunity; 4. When I deleted the personal attacks xxxxxxx placed upon me, they were restored and my IP address was temporarily banned for 'vandalism' even though deleting personal attacks is allowed under Wikipedia policy (or so xxxxxx says if it is me writing about his considerable attacks upon yours truly).
This reminds me of episodes I had on Prodigy with a coven of on-line self-confessed pagans and witches back in the late 1980's. One of their number wrote me claiming to be a Christian who had read both my books. She urged me to jump to the Art section and post there, which I naively did. Then I was set upon by the community. The discussion centering about my posts grew quickly to one of the largest sections on all of Prodigy. Hours of time were wasted by me nightly in answering their verbiage cum garbage. Then somebody sent me a link to show where they were bragging about dissipating my energies and writing time by their antics. I hopped over there, and cut and pasted their comments to my private BBS. I decided to leave Prodigy and left them bewailing the loss of their fun.
For many of the same reasons, I have started my own column elsewhere on the web. No, it isn't a website. I have neither time nor resources to maintain it. You may find what I do have by clicking the following link [[4]]
I firmly expect that both the Rastafarians and the Christian false brethren will follow me over there. So be it.
[edit]For the record. It is spelled "Cumbey" and NOT Cumby.
[edit]I have followed Javier Solana's blossoming career with great interest since initially discovering him via the internet on November 22, 1995, five days before the Barcelona Process opened with the convening of the first Barcelona Conference on November 27-28, 1995. I am a Michigan, U.S.A. attorney who has long combined interests in history, politics, and religion. He deserves far more serious scholarly and biographical attention than he has received to date.
It was also November 22, 1995, via a CD Rom collection of stored business articles that I discovered Javier Solana sent Spanish warships against Canada in March 1995. You may read his account of it in his own words here: [5]
Constance E. Cumbey -- A Little About Me:
[edit]I originally hail from Fort Wayne, Indiana where I was born and raised. I have lived in Ohio and came to the State of Michigan in 1965. I am married and am a grandmother since this past November when we welcomed Zander Cumbey into the world, my son's first progeny. I am a practicing attorney since 1975, perhaps better known since 1982 as an author and lecturer. My first book was released in 1983. It was subsequently translated and published into German, Norwegian, and Dutch. I practice law in Oakland County, MIchigan in the Detroit metropolitan area. I have practiced over the past 30 years in many of courts in our beautiful state, including Wayne County (Detroit), Oakland County, Macomb County, Washtenaw County, West Branch, Gaylord, Rogers City, Hillsdale, Charlevoix, etc. I have served terms as a national officer of the National Association of Women Lawyers. Prior to undertaking a secondary career as an author which placed me on a national lecture circuit in the USA for 7 years, I chaired the Family Law Committee of the General Practice Section of the American Bar Association.
Prior to becoming a lawyer, I held several political appointive positions including: Administrative Assistant and Legislative Analyst to the Speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives; Executive Assistant to the Mayor of the City of Highland Park, Michigan. While in law school, I served as a paid consultant to the Governmental Efficiency Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee of the Michigan State Senate.
I stumbled onto the New Age Movement as a political and even religious force in 1981. Searching for a book I could read that would explain what appeared obvious to me -- I discovered no such book existed. I therefore started researching and writing THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW: THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT AND OUR COMING AGE OF BARBARISM. When many elements which were the subject of my research ran worldwide newspaper ads on April 25, 1982 proclaiming THE CHRIST IS NOW HERE, the press started looking about for information. It turned out I was about the only person who had collected significant amounts of information on the subject and its players. A former New Ager, a Detroit Free Press reporter, wrote a major story about both the worldwide ads and my work which ran on a 1 1/2 page spread in the Detroit Free Press on May 5, 1982, only a few days after the ads appeared. My phone did not stop ringing thereafter and I delegated my large law practice to another and took seven years to attempt to educate people on what this movement was all about and its "hidden dangers" -- unknown to many of its well meaning, enthusiastic participants. I returned to the active practice of law in 1989, but have kept abreast of the subject. I have used the internet with advantage since approximately 1992-1993.
My husband and I are animal lovers. I am presently supervised as of this writing by our two Lhasa Apso dogs (one age 16 1/2, the other 11) and our surviving 20 year old black male cat, "Guy." We, as well as our animals, are clearly survivors!